Ambassador of the Week: Andrea Walshak

From April 22 through August 12, we will be recognizing each one of our Ambassadors on Fridays! Learn more about this highly visible public relations team and how they are responsible for engaging, encouraging, nurturing, and expanding relationships on behalf of The Chamber. 

Our last Ambassador feature is Andrea Walshak! She is the Principal at Tree of Life Christian Academy, where there is a focus on training Godly leaders and inspiring young entrepreneurs. Andrea has been an Ambassador since 2017 and loves how this program allows Ambassadors to facilitate business connections and relationships!

Andrea has a background in paralegal and marketing. She is a native of Catawba County and is passionate about helping to facilitate the growth of our area. She is a firm believer in the mission the Chamber always focuses on-net giving. 

Why did you apply to become an Ambassador? 
I highly value the Chamber and its mission of netgiving. I know relationships are the foundation to business. Being an Ambassador is the perfect marriage of the two. The principal of Eph 6:8 holds true, whatever good thing you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.
What are you looking forward to most about being an Ambassador?
I am always excited to see who I get to meet, how I can help them in their business, and what connections I can assist that business in creating. 
What is your favorite Chamber event?
I love Women’s Leadership Conference! The training, networking, and netgiving is extremely powerful. It fills my cup every year. 
Tell us about a special connection you have made as a result of being a Chamber partner. 
My very first experience with The Chamber many years ago connected me to my Tuesday Leads group. These are my “go to” people. We have a special netgiving connection.

Lightning Round! 
Favorite restaurant in Catawba County? B52’s Bar & Grill
What are you currently reading? Win the Day by Mark Batterson
Favorite TV show to binge? I don’t do TV but love Regeneration Nashville Church 
Favorite “hidden gem” in Hickory? Tree of Life Christian Academy
What is something unique we do not know about you? I’m a former high school debate champ! 

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